
Wednesday 23 April 2014

Northerly wander around the parish

My usual north route back home following a coffee at Tescos in town. Not too much to report and only a speckled wood butterfly new for the year.
Whitethroat, blackcap and chiffchaffs called as did yellowhammers and a nest building pair of linnets near Hadham Hall.
Butterfly wise, many orange tip, 3 peacock, a large white, small tortoiseshell and 2 comma.
male orangetip

female orangetip on larval food plant: Allaria pettiolata

underwing of female orange tip, same as the male.

Usual plants were found, with many more red campions in flower, plus an outstanding stand of bluebells in the wood opposite the village pub. Marsh marigolds also in bloom at the ponds around Hadham Hall.
marsh marigold


Bluebell Wood
Other insects were various hoverflies that I have yet to identify as well as this bee fly. Most of the bees registered were orange tail bumble bees.
Finally, a few bird snaps, including a female linnet with pigeon feather for nest lining.
reed bunting on rape field
chiffchaff from below

nest building female linnet

1 comment:

  1. Pictures that take away the breath.
    That reed bunting takes the cake.
