
Friday 11 April 2014

Migrants arriving

An early evening wander around Hadham Hall gave views of what I had hoped to find: swallows on the move. In total 6 were observed heading north over the rape fields east of the Hall. 2 mallards and 2 coot were present on the small pond where a reed bunting called and several yellowhammers were noted along the hedge tops.
I suspect the pair of barn owls here are now, at least on eggs as there was no movement from their tree hole. Normally they move about if you pass, but today, no activity at all. A dusk visit to see if one, or both emerge to feed is required.
Chiffchaffs appeared to be everywhere, with at least 7 seen but no other migrants were noted. Whitethroats, sedge, reed and grasshopper warblers are now arriving, so, as is usual at this time of the year, it pays to be out as much as possible as almost anything can be seen moving overhead or resting in low branches.
blue tit: Hadham Hall conifers


2 drake mallards

coltsfoot seed heads

Early evening moon

Mallard reflection

chiffchaff in blackthorn

2 of the first batch of swallows.

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