
Monday 14 April 2014

Long morning wander around South of the parish

Leaving Stortford at 11a.m. I sauntered back home, taking 2.5 hours to cover the 6 miles! Plenty about.
Bird wise, several chiffchaffs in the hedgerows along with some linnets. 2 bullfinches in Acremore St. at their usual haunt. An overhead kestrel was the only bird of prey whilst the female mallard on the River Ash now has 10 ducklings to care for. These are now 4 days old and so far she has only lost 1.

mallard youngsters

All 10 ducklings.
Plant wise, a check on the usual early purple orchid site drew a blank and the only the regular flowers were showing.
red campion
Most of my time was taken up with insect searches and, whilst nothing untoward was discivered, the butterflies were in good number. Plenty of orangetip, small tortoiseshell and peacock, plus 1 male brimstone and my 1st holly blue of the year.
1st holly blue of the year
small tortoiseshell

orange tip (female)

orange tip (male)
Other insects that were in good number were the bee flies, showing its frightening but totally harmless proboscis. Also, a 6 spot ladybird was also noted.
7 spot ladybird.

bee fly

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