
Thursday 10 April 2014

Good moth night 10.04.14

After the frosts of the last few nights, a warmer night last night brought 4 new for the year moths to the trap. A purple thorn was roosting on the fence adjacent to the trap as was a waved umber and muslin moth. Another muslin moth and a micro, either Emmelina monodactyla (Common plume) or Stenoptilia pterodactyla (Brown plume moth) were in the trap and then later this morning I came across the 4th new species for the day, a streamer on the shed wall near the trap. I shall get round to identifying the micro later, but plumes are notoriously difficult to identify just by sight. Really need dissection of the genitalia to be 100% on naming to species. This one will not have such done to it, as it legged it soon after I got the photograph.
These take my yearly total to 23 macro species so far this year and, in total, 104 moths taken.
Edit: Plume now considered to be a dark common plume (Emmelina monodactyla)
muslin moth (male)

purple thorn (male

waved umber

Common plume

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