
Monday 31 March 2014

Northern wander around the parish

As usual, I set off this morning from the town, taking the footpaths to the north of the parish to check the irrigation lagoon for migrants. Only new bird I registered was a singing blackcap, first of the year and the earliest record I have for the village. Unfortunately, it remained hidden in bramble bushes, so no photograph.
Other birds of note: 9+ chiffchaffs calling, common buzzard, goldcrest in the churchyard yews, skylarks a plenty and a passage of 6 lesser black backed gulls




canada geese

lesser black backed gull

small tortoiseshell
5 peacock and 7 small tortoiseshell butterflies were noted and 2 canada geese headed east overhead. These are probably the pair that have been seen at the Hadham Hall lake. I thought they may have been checking it out as a potential breeding site, but I suspect it is far too open and no island on which to nest build. Be interesting to see if they return. Just to confirm their lack of interest, when I arrived there was a grey heron patrolling one of the banks.

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