
Wednesday 19 March 2014

local walk 19.03.14

Another wander through the lanes and along the footpaths this morning. Not as much bird activity as previously noted, but a flock of 100+ fieldfares and 25+ redwings were new for the  village. Obviously migratory birds stopping off en route for Scandinavia.
Several  buzzards were spotted around Muggins Wood, but a check here only gave views of Greater Spotted Woodpecker.
On the irrigation lagoon, 2 canada geese were new arrivals.
Goldfinches were in good number and several long tailed tits were seen carrying nesting material.
Dog violets were in full bloom on the edge of the polo field, as were the first 2 cowslips of spring, whilst lesser celandine was found in Green Street.
canada geese





dog violet

dog violet

lesser celandine

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