Setting off around 6.30am, having the traditional coffee at Wells and then on to North Point Pools. Nothing noteworthy here, usual species including plenty of distant hares, Sedge warblers and lapwings. From here I headed down Garden Drove and on to Warham Greens. Chiffchaffs, Willow warblers, Whitethroat and Blackcap all made the day list before I continued East to Stiffkey Greens and a walk to the Gibbert Roundabout. More common warblers and finches. A check over the salt marsh gave up Brent geese, Little egret and two distant Spoonbills.
Once back at the car and Cley beach was my next stop where several Sandwich terns moved west, far out to sea but nothing else apart from gulls and cormorant so into the VC and out to the hides. Avocet, Black tailed godwits, teal etc on the scrape and then a walk down the East Bank to Arnold's Marsh. Here, 100+ Dunlin, 1 Grey plover and 6 Bar tailed godwit in amongst the shelduck, redshank etc.
I then parked at Salthouse to check Gramborough Hill. Plenty of Meadow pipits and 3 very confiding Turnstone but, surprisingly, no wheatear along the fence posts.
Continuing East and a wander down to Kelling Quags and Water Meadows. Ring ouzel had been reported from here but no show whilst I was present. More warblers and my first Sand martins of the year. Plenty of Orange tip, Green veined white and Peacock butterflies as well as numerous hares before I drove up to Kelling Heath where Stonechat and Dartford warbler got on to the list. The Dartfords were busy nest building in gorse and not hanging around to pose on top of the brilliant gorse but I now know where to find them next time for an early morning trip when the male may well be singing from the top of the gorse. The Stonechat posed for photos before my last venue: West Runton cliffs for a late afternoon sea watch but very little movement out to sea, just Herring and Lesser black backed gulls.
Having finished the birding I drove to Cromer and met up with Paul, editor of the Bishop's Stortford Independent for a pint. He is on a 3 day break here. Good to see him with a fine pint of Ghost Ship. Headed back home with a coffee break and the inevitable roadworks meant I was home by 10.15pm. Superb day's birding in glorious weather: cloudless blue sky, temps pushing 19C and great light for photos.
Species List:
- Cormorant
- Little egret
- Grey heron
- Spoonbill
- Mute swan
- Greylag goose
- Canada goose
- Brent goose
- Shelduck
- Mallard
- Gadwall
- Shgoveler
- Teal
- Red kite
- Marsh harrier
- Common buzzard
- Kestrel
- Red legged partridge
- Pheasant
- Moorhen
- Coot
- Oystercatcher
- Avocet
- Ringed plover
- Grey plover
- Lapwing
- Turnstone
- Dunlin
- Redshank
- Black tailed godwit
- Bar tailed godwit
- Ruff
- Curlew
- Black headed gull
- Common gull
- Herring gull
- Lesser black backed gull
- Greater black backed gull
- Sandwich tern
- Wood pigeon
- Collared dove
- Skylark
- Sand martin
- Swallow
- Meadow pipit
- Pied wagtail
- Wren
- Dunnock
- Robin
- Stonechat
- Song thrush
- Blackbird
- Blackcap
- Whitethroat
- Dartford warbler
- Sedge warbler
- Reed warbler
- Cetti's warbler
- Willow warbler
- Chiffchaff
- Great tit
- Blue tit
- Bearded reedling (heard)
- Magpie
- Jay
- Carrion crow
- Rook
- Jackdaw
- Starling
- House sparrow
- Chaffinch
- Linnet
- Goldfinch
- Greenfinch
- Reed bunting
Stonechat at Kelling Heath |
Stonechat male |
Male orange tip, Kelling Quags |
Meadow pipit, Gramborough Hill |
Turnstone moulting into breeding plumage: Salthouse beach |
Turnstone at Salthouse beach |
Male Green veined white at Kelling Water Meadows |
Dunnock at Kelling quags |
Back lit Blackcap, Kelling |
Herring gull from Gramborough Hill |
Avocet, Cley |
Black tailed godwit at Cley |
Female linnet, Stiffkey Greens |
Marsh harrier, male at Cley |
Grey heron from East Bank |
Linnet at Warham Greens |
Redshank on The Serpentine, Cley East Bank |
Peacock, Warham Greens |
Ruff at Cley |
Chiffchaff at Warham Greens |
Small tortoiseshell at Stiffkey |
Brent goose for the end of Garden Drove |
Swallow collecting nest building mud, Stiffkey car park |
Lapwing, North Point Pools |