great crested grebe, cormorant, grey heron, mute swan, greylag goose, canada goose, mallard, gadwall, shoveler, teal (10sp) wigeon, pochard, tufted duck, scaup, goldeneye, smew, red kite, common buzzard, kestrel, moorhen (20 sp) coot, lapwing, black headed gull, common gull, herring gull, lesser black backed gull, greater black backed gull, collared dove, wood pigeon, dunnock (30sp) robin, blackbird, great tit, blue tit, long tailed tit, jay, magpie, jackdaw, rook, carrion crow (40 sp) house sparrow, starling, chaffinch, goldfinch, siskin, reed bunting, waxwing, fieldfare, redwing, pied wagtail (50 sp) egyptian goose, great spotted woodpecker, treecreeper, mistle thrush, wren, bullfinch, red legged partridge, yellowhammer, stock dove, pheasant (60sp) green woodpecker, nuthatch, marsh tit, song thrush, tawny owl, little grebe, barn owl, little owl, woodcock, sparrowhawk (70 sp) coal tit, little egret, red throated diver, guillemot, razorbill, common scoter, gannet, kittiwake, brent goose, turnstone (80 sp) great northern diver, tree sparrow, oystercatcher, shelduck, pintail, cetti's warbler, stonechat, marsh harrier, snipe, great white egret (90 sp) water rail, dunlin, golden plover, snow bunting, dartford warbler, linnet, greenfinch, redshank, ring necked parakeet, ringed plover (100 sp) pink footed goose, chiffchaff, lesser redpoll, meadow pipit, grey partridge, great grey shrike, merlin, caspian gull, green sandpiper, skylark (110 sp) grey wagtail, brambling, little stint, fulmar, curlew, spotted redshank, black tailed godwit, bar tailed godwit, knot, whooper swan, (120 sp) sanderling, grey plover, avocet, ruff, corn bunting, long tailed duck, purple sandpiper, shore lark, hen harrier, hawfinch, (130 sp)Jack snipe, .
Added since April
black redstart, greenshank, goldcrest, mandarin, kingfisher, swallow, yellow legged gull, water pipit, house martin, (140 sp) sand martin, cuckoo, blackcap, goosander, grasshopper warbler , little ringed plover, sandwich tern, arctic tern, rock pipit, white wagtail, (150 sp) yellow wagtail, wheatear, whinchat, sedge warbler, reed warbler, willow warbler, lesser whitethroat, corn bunting, swift, common tern, (160 sp)garden warbler, turtle dove, hobby, bittern, golden oriole, savi's warbler, stone curlew, spotted flycatcher, little gull, little tern, (170 sp) bearded reedling, spoonbill, garganey, red crested pochard, common crane, curlew sandpiper, wood sandpiper,, mediterranean gull, common sandpiper, whimbrel,(180 sp) red necked phalarope.
Added since August
arctic skua, redstart, pied flycatcher, wryneck, citrine wagtail, red backed shrike, raven, pomarine skua, tree pipit, (190 sp)nightingale, balearic shearwater, peregrine, shag,spotted crake, black tern
196 species at 02.10.13.
Added since October
common crossbill, yellow browed warbler, red breasted flycatcher, ring ouzel (200sp) velvet scoter, grey phalarope, glossy ibis, black necked grebe, barnacle goose, mealy redpoll, slavonian grebe, red breasted merganser, short eared owl (210 sp) bewick's swan
A record of the wildlife in and around Hadham Ford as from January 2008. Please feel free to leave any comments or email me with details of interesting bird, mammal, butterfly, moth and dragonfly sightings. @jonoForgham on twitter
Tuesday, 31 December 2013
Year Review; Part 4; October - December
The autumn and winter months are busy times for me, with 12 RSPB local group presentations and where possible, I try to fit in some birding before I arrive at the venue. With talks booked for Stevenage, East Grinstead, Hemel Hempstead, Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory, Aylesbury and Thanet there would be opportunities to visit sites such as Tring, Oare, Dungeness etc. All good stuff.
The moth trap was surprisingly busy on the 1st, with this frosted orange being a new for year secies. Also new were blairs shoulder knot and black rustic.
A trip to Tring Reservoirs on the 5th gave up some good birds, including this feeding grey heron. Then onto Hemel Hempstead for a talk on North Norfolk.
The following day, Gary and I set off for another North Norfolk day. I scored with 3 year listers, a briefly seen yellow browed warbler at Titchwell, a red breasted flycatcher at the bottom of Garden Drove on Warham Greens and then common crossbill at Lyndford. The latter being my 200th bird for the year. Also noted on our travels were these two waders: curlew and ruff.
I noted a Nikon camera body in our local camera shop, a 2nd hand Nikon D2x, which I bought. Obviously eager to give it a test run, I set off, once again for Norfolk on the 19th, hoping for some migrants in Wells Woods. Nothing noteworthy were to be found but crossbills and blackcaps abounded. Other year listers were a grey phalarope at Cley, a ring ouzel along Garden Drove and several velvet scoter at Titchwell Beach. I finished off at Titchwell, getting some pleasing shots as I slowly mastered the basics of a very technical piece of kit. Here a chiffchaff, wigeon and blackcap. I was pleased with the camera results.
An evening wander locally didn't give up the hoped for barn owls, but I was treated to a spectacular sunset over Hadham Hall. Redwing and fieldfare were beginning to arrive although it was still surprisingly mild.
Another local walk on the 24th from the local town to the village, some 4 miles gave great views of a red kite and a female great spotted woodpecker.
Finally, for October, I decided upon visiting Dungeness the day of the "storm" 90mph winds along the coast by the power station meant it was difficult to set up the scope, never mind try to photo the gulls and cormorants passing. After the sea watch I headed to the RSPB reserve where this fox greeted my arrival before another year lister, glossy ibis.
A very late beautiful hooktip was taken towards the end of October. Up to 2006 no specimen of this species had been taken this late in the year. Over the next few days I had several before an even later, and this very small yellowshell moth broke all Herts records by being taken so late. Testimony to the cold and wet spring and warm and drier autumn that we were experiencing.
On the 7th I was booked for a talk at Sandwich Bay Bid Observatory and so headed off for a day at Dungeness before making my way round to Sandwich after dusk. A much calmer day and one that gave year listers in the shape of barnacle goose and black necked grebe. Good birds were hard to come by, but still, as always, a pleasure to be there.Also, shown here, a great white egret which is becoming Dungeness' speciality bird. One that I believe will continue to spread across the south of England over the next 5 years.
The following morning I spent time with the Sandwich ringing group, where another year lister was seen. In amongst a flock of 40+ lesser redpolls were several mealy redpolls, some of which were trapped, ringed and released. Good to note differences close at hand.
On the 14th I thought it was time for a parish check. Usual fare all around with this common buzzard near the A120 being particularly good, along with one of many fieldfare.
On the 17th I was once again, off to Norfolk with Gary. Here, I added 2 more to the list in the form of red breasted merganser and slavonian grebe. Both were off Holkham Gap, but plenty of good birds off Titchwell and a walk through Holkham Pines was also good, although very little in the latter and certainly no sign of a hoped for firecrest. At Cley beach, we missed another red breasted flycatcher by minutes. Shown here, Titchwell golden plovers, Holkham pink foots and a Cley black headed gull
Over the last few days of November I had another trip to Wilstone where I got my 2nd water pipit of the year as well a trip to Oare Marshes where I got year lister 211, a short eared owl. Also at this brilliant site, where I had seen spotted crake earlier in the year, I had barn owl and hen harrier.
A local walk around the village on the last day of the month didn't give up anything other than a small flock of siskin over the golf course, as well as the regular residents. Sunset photo of Oare Marshes, near Faversham.
On the 2nd I popped out for a quick trip around Amwell. A first year male smew was present, but many birds moved off as the reed cutter boat was noisily in action.
On the 4th I took my last new moth of the year, this finely marked mottled umber, before the trap was packed away as I knew what few moths that would be about this month.
On the 5th I thought it was time for a walk along my old patch: the River Stort from Bishop's Stortford to Spellbrook village. I try to visit this area once a year as I covered the tow path here many times a week for 3 years, becoming familiar with all that went on along the 2 mile stretch. Today, cormorants were at their usual roost and the winter little grebes were still where they used to be. Plenty of storm damage to willows and no kingfishers were noted. Siskins in their usual alders but a large increase in mallard numbers, up for a handful to 24.
19th saw me whizzing off for a quick trip to Welney and Ouse Marshes, where there was poor light. Bewick's swan became species 212 and I was amazed at the number of plovers and godwits at Welney and the huge number of wigeon and teal at Ouse Marshes.
On the 21st Gary and I paid our last visit to Norfolk for 2013. Bit of a dipping day with no Richards pipit, parrot crossbills or 2 barred crossbills. However, great views of red breasted mergansers at Titchwell. Being the shortest day we were constantly battling very poor light so just a photo of some teal shown here and the damage done by the storm surge on the 6th. Salthouse beach road shown here, 100 yards short of the original car park. 2014 is going to be a busy time sorting out the damage all the way along the Norfolk coast.
On the 28th we both headed off for a few hours at Amwell. We both left our cameras in the car as the light was so poor. Consequently, we were treated to a great flypast by a peregrine falcon hunting the lapwing.
I finished the year with 2 walks, one to the west of the parish on the 29th in bright sunlight and heavy frost where this kestrel gave a flypast and then one to the east of the parish on the 30th in constant drizzle where little was noted until I returned home to find a female bullfinch in the garden. Not a common garden visitor, so great to finish the year on.
2013 has been a great year with 3 trips abroad, plenty of Norfolk visits plus several to Kent reserves as well as a few days at Portland. However, the most enjoyment I get is being out in the fields around the village, where, this year I recorded 76 species of bird out of my overall total of 103. My garden moth count now nears 300, so still plenty to look forward to in 2014, with trips to Sri Lanka and Poland alreasy planned. Should be fantastic.
The autumn and winter months are busy times for me, with 12 RSPB local group presentations and where possible, I try to fit in some birding before I arrive at the venue. With talks booked for Stevenage, East Grinstead, Hemel Hempstead, Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory, Aylesbury and Thanet there would be opportunities to visit sites such as Tring, Oare, Dungeness etc. All good stuff.
The moth trap was surprisingly busy on the 1st, with this frosted orange being a new for year secies. Also new were blairs shoulder knot and black rustic.
A trip to Tring Reservoirs on the 5th gave up some good birds, including this feeding grey heron. Then onto Hemel Hempstead for a talk on North Norfolk.
The following day, Gary and I set off for another North Norfolk day. I scored with 3 year listers, a briefly seen yellow browed warbler at Titchwell, a red breasted flycatcher at the bottom of Garden Drove on Warham Greens and then common crossbill at Lyndford. The latter being my 200th bird for the year. Also noted on our travels were these two waders: curlew and ruff.
I noted a Nikon camera body in our local camera shop, a 2nd hand Nikon D2x, which I bought. Obviously eager to give it a test run, I set off, once again for Norfolk on the 19th, hoping for some migrants in Wells Woods. Nothing noteworthy were to be found but crossbills and blackcaps abounded. Other year listers were a grey phalarope at Cley, a ring ouzel along Garden Drove and several velvet scoter at Titchwell Beach. I finished off at Titchwell, getting some pleasing shots as I slowly mastered the basics of a very technical piece of kit. Here a chiffchaff, wigeon and blackcap. I was pleased with the camera results.
An evening wander locally didn't give up the hoped for barn owls, but I was treated to a spectacular sunset over Hadham Hall. Redwing and fieldfare were beginning to arrive although it was still surprisingly mild.
Another local walk on the 24th from the local town to the village, some 4 miles gave great views of a red kite and a female great spotted woodpecker.
Finally, for October, I decided upon visiting Dungeness the day of the "storm" 90mph winds along the coast by the power station meant it was difficult to set up the scope, never mind try to photo the gulls and cormorants passing. After the sea watch I headed to the RSPB reserve where this fox greeted my arrival before another year lister, glossy ibis.
A very late beautiful hooktip was taken towards the end of October. Up to 2006 no specimen of this species had been taken this late in the year. Over the next few days I had several before an even later, and this very small yellowshell moth broke all Herts records by being taken so late. Testimony to the cold and wet spring and warm and drier autumn that we were experiencing.
On the 7th I was booked for a talk at Sandwich Bay Bid Observatory and so headed off for a day at Dungeness before making my way round to Sandwich after dusk. A much calmer day and one that gave year listers in the shape of barnacle goose and black necked grebe. Good birds were hard to come by, but still, as always, a pleasure to be there.Also, shown here, a great white egret which is becoming Dungeness' speciality bird. One that I believe will continue to spread across the south of England over the next 5 years.
The following morning I spent time with the Sandwich ringing group, where another year lister was seen. In amongst a flock of 40+ lesser redpolls were several mealy redpolls, some of which were trapped, ringed and released. Good to note differences close at hand.
On the 14th I thought it was time for a parish check. Usual fare all around with this common buzzard near the A120 being particularly good, along with one of many fieldfare.
On the 17th I was once again, off to Norfolk with Gary. Here, I added 2 more to the list in the form of red breasted merganser and slavonian grebe. Both were off Holkham Gap, but plenty of good birds off Titchwell and a walk through Holkham Pines was also good, although very little in the latter and certainly no sign of a hoped for firecrest. At Cley beach, we missed another red breasted flycatcher by minutes. Shown here, Titchwell golden plovers, Holkham pink foots and a Cley black headed gull
Over the last few days of November I had another trip to Wilstone where I got my 2nd water pipit of the year as well a trip to Oare Marshes where I got year lister 211, a short eared owl. Also at this brilliant site, where I had seen spotted crake earlier in the year, I had barn owl and hen harrier.
A local walk around the village on the last day of the month didn't give up anything other than a small flock of siskin over the golf course, as well as the regular residents. Sunset photo of Oare Marshes, near Faversham.
On the 2nd I popped out for a quick trip around Amwell. A first year male smew was present, but many birds moved off as the reed cutter boat was noisily in action.
On the 4th I took my last new moth of the year, this finely marked mottled umber, before the trap was packed away as I knew what few moths that would be about this month.
On the 5th I thought it was time for a walk along my old patch: the River Stort from Bishop's Stortford to Spellbrook village. I try to visit this area once a year as I covered the tow path here many times a week for 3 years, becoming familiar with all that went on along the 2 mile stretch. Today, cormorants were at their usual roost and the winter little grebes were still where they used to be. Plenty of storm damage to willows and no kingfishers were noted. Siskins in their usual alders but a large increase in mallard numbers, up for a handful to 24.
19th saw me whizzing off for a quick trip to Welney and Ouse Marshes, where there was poor light. Bewick's swan became species 212 and I was amazed at the number of plovers and godwits at Welney and the huge number of wigeon and teal at Ouse Marshes.
On the 28th we both headed off for a few hours at Amwell. We both left our cameras in the car as the light was so poor. Consequently, we were treated to a great flypast by a peregrine falcon hunting the lapwing.
I finished the year with 2 walks, one to the west of the parish on the 29th in bright sunlight and heavy frost where this kestrel gave a flypast and then one to the east of the parish on the 30th in constant drizzle where little was noted until I returned home to find a female bullfinch in the garden. Not a common garden visitor, so great to finish the year on.
2013 has been a great year with 3 trips abroad, plenty of Norfolk visits plus several to Kent reserves as well as a few days at Portland. However, the most enjoyment I get is being out in the fields around the village, where, this year I recorded 76 species of bird out of my overall total of 103. My garden moth count now nears 300, so still plenty to look forward to in 2014, with trips to Sri Lanka and Poland alreasy planned. Should be fantastic.
Monday, 30 December 2013
Year Review; Part 3: July - September
By the time July came along it was obvious we were in for a reasonable summer. The temperatures were up, moths were becoming much more prevalent as well as the butterflies and, as usual for July, the birds had all be disappeared. Most records therefore pertain to insects.
A dedicated butterfly/bird recording walk on the 2nd realised 27 species of bird, with evidence of breeding moorhen, coot, garden warbler and blackcap. 5 species of butterfly were noted including this two; a small tortoiseshell and a speckled wood.
On the 3rd, a new moth for the garden, this splendid phoenix. This was an expected visitor but nonetheless most welcome as was the beautiful hooktip shown below which was the 100th moth species for the garden in 2013. Things were slowly picking up.
The 5th of the month saw me, once again, on the North Norfolk coast where I bagged over 70 species. Not too bad for the time of year and included this sedge warbler and avocet chick.
The weather was certainly heating up, which was what was required because on the following Sunday (7th) I had planned and organised a village butterfly walk. Some 9 folk arrived in full sunshine. In fact, it was so warm we decided that the original route, taking in a pub but some 7 miles in length, was too long as we expected to be finding plenty of butterflies. Off to Westland Green where we eventually caught up with 10 species including this ringlet. However, the highlight was a rapid flypast by a clouded yellow. Also, we came across 6 spot burnet moth, this broad bodied chaser. a bee orchid was found on a footpath crossing the golf course. All in all, a superb session.
Notable moths over the following few evenings were 2 new parish records, a pale oak beauty (top) and lilac beauty (bottom) Both good moths and they helped take my total for the parish to in excess of 260 macro species.
On the 13th, Wendy and I set out to complete the North Norfolk footpath, Hunstanton to Cromer, some 47 miles. We spent 3 days on this, raising £750 for a local children's charity. Based at The George in Cley we covered the Hunstanton to Burnham Deepdale on the Friday (12 miles) B. Deepdale to Cley on day 2 (22 miles) and then the final leg on the Sunday (15miles) In all I recorded over 70 species of birds, plenty of butterflies, including this, my first Norfolk dark green fritillary. A surprise awaited us as we wandered along Warham Greens stretch, a common toad obviously intent on visiting Wells Next the Sea. Another good butterfly was found in Wells Woods and again, a first for me in Norfolk, a white admiral. The barn owl, shown below, greeted us over fields as we completed day 2 towards Cley. Good bird to see after 10 hours of walking. A great 3 days. The final photo shows a confiding lesser whitethroat, seen at Holme.
The 16th was probably my busiest night, with over 250 moths of 35 species including a new record for me, this bordered sallow as well as a regular but uncommon Herts moth, a waved black, shown below. A few nights later, I also added oak eggar to my garden list, a large female roosting on a garden post near the light trap.
on the 24th I went off to Broxbourne Woods for a midday butterfly hunt. Whilst not scoring with the hoped for purple emperor, I did get silver washed fritillary as well as the regular white admirals and purple hairstreaks. Finally,on the 28th I checked out local waters for dragons and damsels and walked into a swarm of common blue damsels, a mating pair shown below.
The last day of July meant, Camargue time, so off to Luton airport for the short hop to Nimes. I arrived in excellent walking temperatures and on the 1st day recorded loads of typical birds for the area as well as this red veined darter in the town of Saintes Marie de la Mer, where I stayed.
Rest of the details of this trip below.
I began August in The Camargue, where I walked many miles and saw a few new birds for me in this area. A squacco heron as well as a black crowned night heron were pleasing finds along with numerous wood sandpipers etc. Clouded yellow butterflies were ubiquitous.In all, a super 3 days with over 80 species seen including many wonderful beeaters.
Back in Little Hadham I scored with brown china mark and vapourer at the moth trap. The former was particularly pleasing as, having put in a small pond, it was good to get a water based moth to the garden so rapidly after completion of the pond. The vapourer was found roosting on the patio door, well away from the trap, so a fortuitous discovery.
With the continued warm weather I was also pleased to encounter a painted lady butterfly on the garden buddleia, the first, and surprisingly, only record during 2013 for me in the parish.
By the time the 13th came around it was designated as another North Norfolk day. I set off to Horsey, but missed the roller by a few minutes but scored with a distant red necked phalarope from the now disappeared North Hide at Cley Plenty of other good birds were also seen in an 83 species haul. Highlights included a wryneck at Salthouse and then a self found Citrine wagtail at Muckleborough Hill. All in all, well worth the visit, with an avocet, wryneck, incoming greylags, redstart and distant red necked phalarope shown below.
This took my year list to 183 and this was soon increased when I returned to the Norfolk coast the following week for a day with Gary. we visited Kelling water meadows to begin with, bagging several wood and common sandpipers before setting off to Cley, Titchwell and finishing off at Ouse Marshes in the Fens. Here, 3 common crane were the surprise as we searched unsuccessfully for a blue winged teal.
On the 21st, I scored with a flyover hobby in the parish as well as adding several new moths for the year. Shown here also a blue bordered carpet and a local migrant hawker dragonfly.
The 25th was blowing hard with most inviting easterlies which brought huge numbers of migrants to Norfolk. However, I was unable to get away from the village and all day waited for the rain to cease so I could get out to see what had been knocked out of the sky. The next day was dry and I was soon off. Arriving at the irrigation lake I heard a green sandpiper. Distant but definitely bird 101 for the parish. Within 10 minutes a female/1st year redstart appeared all too briefly in willows, bird 102. Soon afterwards a first year/female pied flycatcher. Bird 103! Incredible half an hour. I spent all day grilling every bush but never managed a redstart photo even though it showed very briefly deep in a willow.
By the time July came along it was obvious we were in for a reasonable summer. The temperatures were up, moths were becoming much more prevalent as well as the butterflies and, as usual for July, the birds had all be disappeared. Most records therefore pertain to insects.
A dedicated butterfly/bird recording walk on the 2nd realised 27 species of bird, with evidence of breeding moorhen, coot, garden warbler and blackcap. 5 species of butterfly were noted including this two; a small tortoiseshell and a speckled wood.
On the 3rd, a new moth for the garden, this splendid phoenix. This was an expected visitor but nonetheless most welcome as was the beautiful hooktip shown below which was the 100th moth species for the garden in 2013. Things were slowly picking up.
The 5th of the month saw me, once again, on the North Norfolk coast where I bagged over 70 species. Not too bad for the time of year and included this sedge warbler and avocet chick.
The weather was certainly heating up, which was what was required because on the following Sunday (7th) I had planned and organised a village butterfly walk. Some 9 folk arrived in full sunshine. In fact, it was so warm we decided that the original route, taking in a pub but some 7 miles in length, was too long as we expected to be finding plenty of butterflies. Off to Westland Green where we eventually caught up with 10 species including this ringlet. However, the highlight was a rapid flypast by a clouded yellow. Also, we came across 6 spot burnet moth, this broad bodied chaser. a bee orchid was found on a footpath crossing the golf course. All in all, a superb session.
Notable moths over the following few evenings were 2 new parish records, a pale oak beauty (top) and lilac beauty (bottom) Both good moths and they helped take my total for the parish to in excess of 260 macro species.
On the 13th, Wendy and I set out to complete the North Norfolk footpath, Hunstanton to Cromer, some 47 miles. We spent 3 days on this, raising £750 for a local children's charity. Based at The George in Cley we covered the Hunstanton to Burnham Deepdale on the Friday (12 miles) B. Deepdale to Cley on day 2 (22 miles) and then the final leg on the Sunday (15miles) In all I recorded over 70 species of birds, plenty of butterflies, including this, my first Norfolk dark green fritillary. A surprise awaited us as we wandered along Warham Greens stretch, a common toad obviously intent on visiting Wells Next the Sea. Another good butterfly was found in Wells Woods and again, a first for me in Norfolk, a white admiral. The barn owl, shown below, greeted us over fields as we completed day 2 towards Cley. Good bird to see after 10 hours of walking. A great 3 days. The final photo shows a confiding lesser whitethroat, seen at Holme.
on the 24th I went off to Broxbourne Woods for a midday butterfly hunt. Whilst not scoring with the hoped for purple emperor, I did get silver washed fritillary as well as the regular white admirals and purple hairstreaks. Finally,on the 28th I checked out local waters for dragons and damsels and walked into a swarm of common blue damsels, a mating pair shown below.
The last day of July meant, Camargue time, so off to Luton airport for the short hop to Nimes. I arrived in excellent walking temperatures and on the 1st day recorded loads of typical birds for the area as well as this red veined darter in the town of Saintes Marie de la Mer, where I stayed.
Rest of the details of this trip below.
I began August in The Camargue, where I walked many miles and saw a few new birds for me in this area. A squacco heron as well as a black crowned night heron were pleasing finds along with numerous wood sandpipers etc. Clouded yellow butterflies were ubiquitous.In all, a super 3 days with over 80 species seen including many wonderful beeaters.
squacco heron |
greater flamingo |
night heron |
black winged stilt |
wood sandpiper. |
With the continued warm weather I was also pleased to encounter a painted lady butterfly on the garden buddleia, the first, and surprisingly, only record during 2013 for me in the parish.
By the time the 13th came around it was designated as another North Norfolk day. I set off to Horsey, but missed the roller by a few minutes but scored with a distant red necked phalarope from the now disappeared North Hide at Cley Plenty of other good birds were also seen in an 83 species haul. Highlights included a wryneck at Salthouse and then a self found Citrine wagtail at Muckleborough Hill. All in all, well worth the visit, with an avocet, wryneck, incoming greylags, redstart and distant red necked phalarope shown below.
This took my year list to 183 and this was soon increased when I returned to the Norfolk coast the following week for a day with Gary. we visited Kelling water meadows to begin with, bagging several wood and common sandpipers before setting off to Cley, Titchwell and finishing off at Ouse Marshes in the Fens. Here, 3 common crane were the surprise as we searched unsuccessfully for a blue winged teal.
On the 21st, I scored with a flyover hobby in the parish as well as adding several new moths for the year. Shown here also a blue bordered carpet and a local migrant hawker dragonfly.
The 25th was blowing hard with most inviting easterlies which brought huge numbers of migrants to Norfolk. However, I was unable to get away from the village and all day waited for the rain to cease so I could get out to see what had been knocked out of the sky. The next day was dry and I was soon off. Arriving at the irrigation lake I heard a green sandpiper. Distant but definitely bird 101 for the parish. Within 10 minutes a female/1st year redstart appeared all too briefly in willows, bird 102. Soon afterwards a first year/female pied flycatcher. Bird 103! Incredible half an hour. I spent all day grilling every bush but never managed a redstart photo even though it showed very briefly deep in a willow.
Later in the week I returned to this site and got a distant common sandpiper, only the 2nd record for the parish. I finished off with a trip to North Norfolk. Plenty was on offer, without anything being new for the year. Another redstart shown here along with a chinese water deer noted at Titchwell.
All in all, a superb month.
September started with a 3 day trip down to the bird observatory at Portland. Always a great place to stay and fingers crossed for weather that would bring in migrants. Unfortunately this was not the case but it didn't stop me adding several to the year list: namely, raven, peregrine, tree pipit, shag, balearic shearwater, nightingale and a solitary pomarine skua. This took my total for 2013 to 197.
Upon arrival, I was greeted with thick fog. This didn't bode well but it lifted and sea watching plus trips to various island sites as well as Lodmoor, Ferrybridge and Radipole meant I had a great time. I took the trap out to Culverwell where I took, in pouring rain, a total of 8 vestals. All good stuff.
little owl; obs quarry |
ringed kestrel with assistant warden Joe Stockwell on the patio of the obs. |
spotted flycatcher, obs garden |
garden tiger |
wheatear, The Bill |
Clouded yellow, Suckthumb quarry |
Rock Pipit, The Bill |
Back home, a wander around on the 10th gave another opportunity to see my 2nd common sandpiper in the parish whilst also coming across a humming bird hawkmoth in the garden. This splendid creature stayed for the best part of the week, but never in enough sunshine to manage a good quality fast photo.

The following day I managed a brief walk and came across the first local ruddy darter of the year. A regular insect around the River Ash in early autumn.
Later on, on the 14th, I was booked to give an illustrated talk to the members of Hornchurch RSPB local group. Consequently, I spent several hours enjoying a walk around Rainham Marsh Reserve on the Thames. Here, albeit a foggy day, I saw plenty. A spotted redshank (below) was surely the highlight as well as many regular birds: hobby, kestrel, snipe etc. A water vole appeared to be very happy to pose for some photos. Also, a lapwing, shown here, decided to show off with some upside down flying. Very spectacular.
Finally, for this month, I had a local wander on the 26th of the month where I managed to record many regulars for the parish, including this comma butterfly. Dew was hinting that autumn was on its way and many spiders' webs did indeed look autumnal.
The final instalment will be prepared over the forthcoming days. I find it amazing at how quickly time has flown this year, plus the range of species and creatures I have seen by just wandering around a local parish in East Hertfordshire. A real treat and privilege.

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This is me
At the end of another Norfolk Coastal footpath walk. 47 miles, 3 days 99 species of bird. September 2009
Caley Wood view
sunshine through the canopy 29.05.08
A walk along the Warta Valley, Poznan, Poland. Feb 2007
Best birds on this walk: black and middle spotted woodpecker and short toed treecreeper
About Me

- Jono Forgham
- A primary school teacher for 30 years, I retired from teaching in July 2009 to set up my own science enhancement and communication company. The Primary Works offers science clubs, workshops and staged science shows nationwide. I have always been interested in bird watching since my early years. Apparently my first tick was after inquiring about a chaffinch and then receiving the Observer book of birds. By the age of 9 I had moved on to Tory Peterson's collins guide and was now involved on YOC birding holidays to Northumbria, Essex coast, Slimbridge and Yorkshire. My twitching rule is that I will willingly travel 1km for each gram the bird weighs. However, I have had many rarities just by being in the right place. I have travelled widely throughout Europe and also visited Australia and Sri Lanka. In 2016 I spent time at Portland Bird Obs and two trips to Aviero, Portugal. 2017 found me back in Sri Lanka in Feb/March, then July and back for New Year's Eve celebrations in December. Also returned to The Camargue in May for a 4 day trip. Few plans for 2018, but nothing yet booked apart from a trip to the IOW.
Grey heron
Over the allotment 28.09.08
Southern Hawker
Ridge footpath 27.08.08
Juvenile green woodpecker (17.08.08)
Note the stripes, denoting a bird fledged this year.
common blue
Ash Valley G.C. 15.08.08
Indian balsam (impatiens glandulifera)
River Ash
azure damselfly
River Ash 28.07.08
marbled white
Discovered at Westland Green 22.07.08
ruddy darter
Bush Wood 21.07.08
honeysuckle 19.07.08
growing in hedgerow in Chapel Lane
cinnabar moth caterpillar
Photographed on ragwort 19.07.08
Study of petals 11.06.08
male yellowhammer
common blue butterfly
River Ash
looking south from the bridge at Hadham Ford
Common poppy (papaver rhoeas)
in rape field 29.05.08
Caley Wood sunshine
Millenium Wood fox
common comfrey (symphytum officinale)
06.05.08 banks of the River Ash
Garlic Mustard or Jack by the Hedge,(Alliara petiolata)

flowers, leaves and fruit edible . Good in salad and pesto
April showers
Double rainbow 30.04.08
Caley Wood bluebells
Yellow Archangel
Chapel Lane (20.04.08)
sunlight 16.04.08
looking south west from Bush Wood
snowy buds
06.04.08 in Bush Wood
Looking north west
05.04.08 evening shower approaching
Back Garden
Easter Sunday (23.03.08)
Brick Kiln Hill
Looking east (23.03.08)
No play today
The 2nd hole at Ash Valley golf course
Teasel head
Bush Wood (21.03.08)
daffodils at Bush Wood pond (21.03.08)
Swollen River Ash
The river at the bottom of Winding Hill 16.03.08
Daybreak over the chapel
Thursday 13th March
Wild daffodils (narcissus pseudonarcissus)
growing in Bush Wood
January snowdrops
Banks of River Ash, north of Much Hadham
Good Moon
From garden 24.01.08
Village Green
Looking east towards Acremore Street
Looking south before Hadham Ford
rare January blue sky
Useful sites
The following are some useful websites that may interest readers of this blog.
Firstly, Bishop's Stortford Natural History Society
Firstly, Bishop's Stortford Natural History Society
Fellow birder, Gary Whelan's blog. Gives reports from our trips out together plus reports from his trips abroad. The official herts bird club website. Frequently updated, listing bird sightings around the county. Offers links to many other websites. Both of these sites also offer links to yahoo discussion groups. An international site. You can enter as a guest but become a member( free) to post comments, bird sightings and just about anything to do with wild birds. Good news updates, classified section for binoculars, cameras etc. A new site set up where you can contact people worldwide who will help you find good birds in their country. UK section being set up presently.
Fellow birders blog. Strtford resident, Graeme Smith regulary birds the area south of Stortford as well as around Spellbrook and the River Stort from Spellbrook to Twyford Locks. Some superb bird photography: Graeme uses a digital camera attached to his powerful telescope to get detailled images of the birds he sees. Well worth a browse.
Two local sites that may be of interest can be found at The official herts bird club website. Frequently updated, listing bird sightings around the county. Offers links to many other websites. Both of these sites also offer links to yahoo discussion groups. An international site. You can enter as a guest but become a member( free) to post comments, bird sightings and just about anything to do with wild birds. Good news updates, classified section for binoculars, cameras etc. A new site set up where you can contact people worldwide who will help you find good birds in their country. UK section being set up presently.
Fellow birders blog. Strtford resident, Graeme Smith regulary birds the area south of Stortford as well as around Spellbrook and the River Stort from Spellbrook to Twyford Locks. Some superb bird photography: Graeme uses a digital camera attached to his powerful telescope to get detailled images of the birds he sees. Well worth a browse.
Two local sites that may be of interest can be found at
South Easterly walk

black, normal, red extended walk
South Westerly route.

Black usual, red extended
North Easterly walk

black short, walk. Red, extended
North West Patch

black route regular. Red route the extended wander