sunrise, Sheringham |
full moon, Sheringham (taken at the same time as the above and below shot) |
Looking east from Sheringham promenade |
confiding redshank, Salthouse |
redshank |
redshank showing diagnostic tail pattern |
Cley windmill and Blakeney church from the East Bank |
poor quality avocet shot: Titchwell. |
A superb day, beginning before 4.00 a.m. and returning home by 10pm. In company with three fellow local birders we visited Sheringham (sea watch) Weybourne/Muckleborough collection beach, Salthouse beach car park and beach road, Cley East bank, hides, Cley beach and north hide, Stiffkey Fen, Holkham Hall estate, Choseley drying barns and Titchwell. 94 species in all. Whilst nothing too extreme some great views of arctic skua, black tern, greenshank, whimbrel, whinchat, golden plover, corn bunting, yellow wagtails, little stint and curlew sandpiper made it a great day out. A particularly confiding redshank was photographed at Salthouse beach car park. However; at Stiffkey Fen, in amongst green sandpipers and ruff was a strange bird, very buff in colour and the same size as the green sandpipers with which it was consorting. Views were difficult and I called it as a buff breasted sandpiper. However, trying to peer over the reeds, in a wind that moved tripod and scope made viewing very difficult and it was always going to be a hard one to nail. Never know whether it was a large juvvie ruff or something more transatlantic. Last birds of the day were some good, if distant manx shearwaters off Titchwell. My first sighting of these from so far west in Norfolk. Great day and super company