buzzard |
3 of us set out from Little Hadham, heading for Much Hadham along the Ridge footpath. A mewing juvenile buzzard was first heard and then seen, soaring with an adult. In all, we saw 4 common buzzards, all in the sky simultaneously.
Not too many birds: yellowhammers, pied wagtail a solitary red legged partridge, 100+ jackdaws at Bush Wood, a moorhen on a very dry River Ash and a kestrel were the highlights.
The knapweed was abundant along the path and alive with insects. Hundreds of honey bees, presumably from nearby hives, common blue, red admiral and large and small white butterflies. An unusual hoverfly, scaeva pyrausti was observed, standing out due to it being white and black. A common hoverfly. Migrant hawkers and ruddy and common darters were seen, with the ruddy darter in a large puddle opposite the Nag's Head. A good walk back across the golf course, having enjoyed refreshment at The Bull.
female common blue |
scaeva pyrausti |